Our mission is to create a sustainable and effective learning environment by strengthening the agricultural foundation of San Gabriel, providing classroom goals, accessibility for volunteers and needs based fundraising.

Spanish for Volunteers

Here is some basic Spanish to get you started.  If you are interested in taking classes, Fairplay is a wonderful non-profit language school that hires and trains local women to teach classes.  They also provide home-stays and Salsa lessons. Visit their Web site: Fairplay

School Supplies:

backpack- la mochilla
book- libro
crayons- los crayones
colored pencils- la lapis de color
desk- escritorio
eraser- el borrador
glue- la goma
markers-los marcadores
notebook- el cuaderno
pencil-el lapiz
pencil sharpener- sacapuntos
paper- el papel


we're going to sing a song- vamos a cantar una cancion
attention- atencion
be careful- cuidado
be nice- portate bien
come here- ven aqui
cheer up - animo
come in - pasa
don't talk please- no hablas, por favor
face forward- mira la frente
fantastic- fantastico
good work- buen trabajo
here (when giving something to a student)- toma
how nice- que bueno
hurray - viva
let's get started- vamos a empezar
let's go- vamos
listen- escuchame
look- mira
lower your voice- baja la voz
nice to meet you- mucho gusto
never mind - no importa
patience - paciencia
please try- intentalo, por favor 
punishment/consequences- castigo/consecuencia
raise your hand- lavantas tu mano
stop- alto
stand in line- haz linea
silent- silencio
show me your work- ensename tu trabajo
sit down- sientate
stand up- levantate
straight line - linea recta
speak up- habla mas fuerte
that's not appropriate- eso no es bien
wait- espera


are you ready?- estas listo (a)
do you understand?- comprendes?
how do you spell? - como se deletrea?
what did you say? - que dijiste?
what did s/he say? - que dijo?
what's the problem?- cual es el problema?

Problem solving questions:

Which is? - Cual es?
How many?- Cuantos?
How many circles are there? - Cuantos circulos hay?
What group has more? - Que grupo tiene mas?
Are there fewer circles or squares? - Hay menos circulos o cuadrados?
Which shape is inside? outside? - Cual es la forma al dentro? fuera?
Which shape is in the middle? - Que la forma es en el medio?
What shape is on the top? bottom? - Que la forma es mas alto? mas bajo?


black- negro
blue- azul
brown- marron
green- verde
orange- anaranjado
pink- rosa
purple- morado
red- rojo
violet- violeta
white- blanco
yellow- amarillo

animals- los animales:

bear- el oso
beaver- el castor
cat- el gato
chimpanzee- el chimpance
deer- el venado
dog- el perro
elephant- el elefante
fish- pez
fox- el zorro
goat- la cabra
gorilla- el gorila
hippopotamus- el hipopotamo
horse- el caballo
hyena- la hiena
kangaroo- el cangura
kitten- el gatio
leopard- el leopardo
llama- la llama
monkey- el mono
mouse- raton
panda- el panda
pet- la mascota
puppy-el cachorro
rabbit- el conejo
rat- la rata
rhino- el rinoceronte
sheep- la oveja
squirrel- la ardilla
tiger- el tigre
whale- la ballena
wolf- el lobo
zebra- la cebra

Shapes - las formas:

vamos a identificar las formas

circle - circulo
cone - cono
cylinder - cilindro 
rectangle - rectangulo
square - cuadrado
triangle - triangulo

Body - el cuerpo:

head - cabeza
arm - brazo
elbow - codo
shoulder - hombro
hand - mano
fingers - dedos
heart - corazon 
leg - pierna
knee - rodilla
foot - pie
toes - dedos de pies
hair - cabello
eye - ojo
face - cara 
nose - nariz
ear - oreja
tooth - diente 

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