Our mission is to create a sustainable and effective learning environment by strengthening the agricultural foundation of San Gabriel, providing classroom goals, accessibility for volunteers and needs based fundraising.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Greenhouse and Potato Garden

Last Week:
*Our new friends/neighbors Luis and Ettina of Berlin, Germany immediately offered to volunteer at San Gabriel when we told them about our project.  Luckily for us, Luis is an architect who is very interested in adobe walls and greenhouses and Ettina is knowledgeable when it comes to gardening. 

*We have been collecting plastic bottles, cutting them in half and using them as planters for the greenhouse.  It's great because not only are they free, we are also recycling.   With the help of Ettina, we    planted two different types of seeds and should see some sprouts in the next few days.
*We tilled a field by hand and planted 70 or so potatoes that will be used to feed the families of our students.  Special thanks to Alyssa and Ettina for their hard work and braving all the black widow spiders!

*Luis built an adobe wall to support our potato garden and prevent the earth from sliding toward the greenhouse.  The students absolutely loved getting their hands dirty and spreading the mud over the adobe bricks creating natural mortar.

*Mario and Luis filled in a huge ditch with soil covering the newly laid pipes that are now carrying water to our school!

*We said goodbye to our friend and volunteer Alyssa who is off to explore more of South America.  She  devoted three months to working with the children of San Gabriel and will be missed by all. 

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